Monday, April 4, 2011

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

The beginning of chapter two begins with a gruesome dream that then leads to Ishmael having a flashback of  his time as a boy soldier. He says, "Memories I sometimes wish I could wash away, even though I am aware that they are an important part of what my life is; who I am now" (Beah 19). Why is remembering his story and retelling it so important? 


  1. I think remembering his story and retelling it is important because he wants to inform and educate us about his past. He wants to tell us all the things that happened in his life and how he became the man he is today. :)

  2. I think that Ishmael is trying to say that with determination and hope anything is possible. A boy raised in a war torn country with bullets constantly flying everywhere he managed to be someone people can look up to. I think he is trying to say that to never give up. One day things might look bad but there is a better life just over the horizon all you have to do is reach .

  3. I agree with both melinda and aditya, because it's important to let others know what has happened to him and that he's still strong enough to go on with his life after all he's been through. They say,"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." If only I knew who said those beautiful words..

  4. I personally believe that people must learn as much as they possibly can before their certain demise. Lots of people did not know things like this were going on, possibly because it is on the other side of the world. OUr country doesnt take action on these terrible acts because honestly, there is no benefit to this country, so the only ones who could tell us the stories are the ones who have expierienced it

  5. I think he tells his story so we really see what happened and so we don't only go on what the media tells us because most if not all are lies and cover ups. At lest thats how I see it

  6. I agree with nick and aditya. I feel as though people can over come anything because not only do you have control ove what you do but if your serious about what you want to do then you can. With nick i agree that he needed to tell what was happening over in his contry are far more worst than the "depression" we are going through in our contry. He's shown us that we have it easy compared to many other contries.
