Monday, April 4, 2011

The Glass Castle

The first story Jeanette Walls tells of her childhood is that of her burning herself severely at age three, and her father dramatically takes her from the hospital: "You're safe now" (Walls 14). Why do you think she opens with that story, and how does it set the stage for the rest of the memoir?


  1. I think Jeanette Walls started out with her story of when she got burned to tell the readers that her parents let her face challenges all by herself. Her dad came to the hospital and took her back home because they don't have a lot of money to pay hospital bills. This let the rest of the memoir kind of spread through. Now the memoir is more understandable.

  2. I think the story began with Jeanette getting burned because it explains a lot about who she is now and throughout the rest of the story. With each new thing she shares with us (the reader) we are able to make the connection back to when she was burned like for example her fascination with fire. Starting the book with her dramatic burns by the fire additionally, set the stage for the rest of the book because from her fathers reaction to the whole incident it impacts her showing how she should react to certain things not to be so afraid and "sissy" so it's going to play a role on how she now is going to react to future things that are going to occur.

  3. I think Jeanette wanted to show exactly what the rest of the story was going to be like, and what her father was like. On one hand, it shows that she loves her father daerly and that she will go along with what her father tells her (i.e. run out of a hospital "Rex-Walls-stlye"). She obviosly has great respect for him, and trusts him with her life, considering that she left the hospital with serious burns that had yet to heal. On the other hadn it also shows how unwilling her father is to give into modern society. It shows her faher's distrust of doctor and authority by breaking his child out of the hospital. I can infer that for the rest of the memoir, Rex will be wary of the authority around him.

  4. I think she opens the story with that particular story because I feel it sets the tone for the rest of the story. It gives the reader more of an idea how her family is and it does raise the expectation for an interesting or exciting scene. Its sets the stage for the rest of the memoir because all the events after that scene so far, was more interesting or emotional, so it somewhat prepared the reader of what's to come

  5. I think that Jeanette opened her novel with this particular story because it was one of her earliest memories. Also, it set the stage a little bit for the other characters like her mom and dad, and her siblings Lori and Brian. It also gave us examples of what Jeanette's family is like, and ow they feel about each other, and how she feels about them. Another reason for Jeanette opening with this story was because it explains why she always play with fire, and it makes the fire at the hotel in California seem more dramatic and important than it already is.

  6. I think Jeanette opens her novel with her getting burned because this symbolizes that she had to handle her pain alone and she wanted to put that first so she can show us what kind of a person she is. This memory sets stage for the rest of the memoir because now we know what kind of person she is and we'll have that in our mind throughout the entire story.

  7. I think Jeanette opens with an certain excerpt because it shows the traits and qualities. When Jeanette was burned, it portrays the reactions of everybody. For instance, from the start we can tell that Dad is loving, but he is rough. We can say that this passage establishes a firm stand and perspective on her and her family.

  8. Jeanette opens her novel with the memory of being burned and being taken by her father from the hospital. She begins this novel like this because she is telling the reader that this is why she was constantly migrating. She is informing the reader that this how the adventure started. jeanette is telling the reader " this is where it all began."
