Friday, April 29, 2011

A Long Way Gone BC #4 and 5

To survive, Beah and the other children must endure the most unimaginable things. Early in the book, Beah hints at what the boys must learn to survive: "It was a typical aspect of being in the war. Things changed rapidly in a matter of seconds and no one had any control over anything. We had yet to learn these things and implement survival tactics, which was what it came down to. That night we were so hungry that we stole people’s food while they slept. It was the only way to get through the night."
Aside from stealing food, what tactics do these boys learn in order to survive? Did they have any choice?


  1. They had no choice. They did all those things because they needed to survive.They joined the army because they needed somewhere to stay. If they left, the rebels would have captured and killed them.They also had no choice when it came to killing.The lieutenants corrupted their minds. They told them how the rebels killed their families.They killed the rebels in-order to stay alive. It was kill or be killed.

  2. Its the survival of the fittest. Either you learn to kill to live or get killed trying to live. Considering this they had no choice but to kill. Other tactics they learned were to feel no pain , no mercy , no hesitation . And these tactics worked for Ishmael he made it long enough to get another life away from Sierra Lione.

  3. The way the boys are living is no way for anyone to have to live at such a young age. But their situation is life or death. If Ishael didn't listen to the rebels, he most likely wouldn't be here to write his life story. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't know what was going on in his country. I just hope Ismael doesn't let the rebels take total control of his mind so that way he still knows what's right from wrong.

  4. they needed to do those things because it was life or death. No one wants to die and they sure didnt so they had to literally fight for their lives. For them it was survival of the fittest

  5. They are so young and are forced to loose there innocence because this is whats its come down too whiich is unfortunate for them. The rebels have cooropted their minds and they dont have any other choice if they wanted to keep on living. i'd have to say if i was in their shoes then i would see it the same way as them. I have to do this if i want to live...
