Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Glass Castle

Having finished reading the memoir, The Glass Castle, define the relevance of the title to the author. Why did she pick this title for her memoir? What was her purpose in writing the memoir?


  1. Glass Castle has a connection to the story because it was the name of the house Rex(dad) said he was going to build for the family one day. Jeannette was a believer in this project and she thought it would get done. Throughout this book Jeannetee believed in everything her dad said to her. I think that Jeannetee choose Glass Castle for the title of her memoir because the planning to build the house was always brought back to most of the things they were doing and they never gave up on the idea. I think that Jeannetee wrote this memoir of her childhood because she wanted to express all her emotions and thoughts she held in for so many years as she was growing up. This book relieved Jeannetee of anything she was keeping inside to allow her to move on with her life.

  2. The title "Glass Castle" is relevant to the story because the Glass Castle was the house Jeannette's father, Rex, promised to build someday for the family. Although the Glass House project was nearly impossible to build, Jeannette throughout her youth, had no doubts in building this Glass Castle, and firmly believed that it would someday be built.When she wrote the book I felt that she chose to use Glass Castle as her title because it symbolized her entire childhood, which is although they weren't able to build their dream Glass Castle, they were still content with their lives and the roads they took to get where they are now.I feel that Jeannette wrote this memoir, not to expose how horrible her childhood was, but to show that no matter what you experienced throughout your life, happiness will eventually come.

  3. The relevance between the author of the "Glass Castle" and the novel itself is the fact that it was a promise that symbolized the author's relationship with her father. I think Jeannette chose to call her memoir "The Glass Castle" because it is something she talked about throughout her life, and maybe, even though her dad never got around to building it, she still felt like he had built it spiritually. This meaning that even though Jeannette didn't have a perfect life, or a perfect family, she is still proud of the person it has made her to be. In my opinion, Jeannette's purpose for writing this novel was to prove to everyone that it is possible for dreams to come true, and that you can rise above any situation thrown at you, as long as you stay determined, and faithful to yourself and never let anyone change your mind.

  4. The "G;ass Castle" shows a trmendous revelance for Jeannette and her family. The Glass Castle was always a dream for Jeannette, and was actually made even though it wasn't made.The Glass Castle was an metaphor saying of how the delicate and clear structure. The "Glass Castle" was mainly based off her relationship between herself and her Dad. Jeannette learn how her Dad gave her false during her life, therefore she called her book, "Glass Castle". Jeannette wanted her and her family to move on from the past. She realizes that she and her family hasn't moved on after her father's death. Jeannette shows the strength to set things behind, and start a new life.

  5. The relevance between the Glass Castle and the author is that it was the name of the house that Jeanette's dad was going to build. I believe Jeanette named her memoir The Glass Castle because it was a false promise, a false hope that her dad kept giving her and Jeanette blindly believed her dad. I think Jeanette wrote this memoir to show how she moved on in life and became successful. She just wanted to let go of all the things she had inside her so she can move on easily and be relieved. She just wanted to leave everything behind and lead a normal and happy life.

  6. The Glass Castle was a dream forever. It was Rex's dream that he build the glass castle, and he and Jeanette even made great plans together. But the Wall's poverty and helplessness never let them succeed their plans. The Wall's backyard became a garbage dump and gradually their dreams began to shatter.But Jeannette decided to name her memoir Glass Castle because it was a symbol for a lot of important things in her life. Jeanette wrote the memoir to bring out her life & her family's life to a book so readers could learn all the hardship and adventures the Wall's had to face. By writing a memoir , Jeanette felt more proud and satisfied that she finally became a writer and that to a book about her adventerous life.

  7. Jeannette Walls could’ve chosen the title, The Glass Castle, for symbolic reasons. As a child, she leaned on her father more than anyone. Her father was her light, her joy, and her best friend, yet he easily let her down. Maybe, in calling her memoir by the dream her father had thought up and hadn’t come through on, she was showing readers how her father had tried to make her childhood one of excitement and adventure, but just couldn’t finish what he started. Maybe she wanted to tell readers that she forgave her father for all the things he’d done wrong in her life by naming her memoir in honor of an idea of his that she found brilliant as a child. After all, a glass castle sounds like a good idea. Who wouldn’t want a beautiful palace where the light of a rising sun can shine through the walls of your bedroom to wake you in the morning. To feel like a princess whenever she walked around outside in direct view of others was like a dream to Jeannette. But, just like her childhood, a glass castle was a fragile idea. The title could symbolize how easily broken Jeannette was, just like the Glass Castle itself, and even the idea of a glass castle. I think Jeannette might have written this memoir for others to understand that, no matter what happens, with dedication and perseverance you can get past it. Jeannette’s life was a perfect example of that.
