Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Long Way Gone

Having finished reading the memoir, A Long Way Gone, define the relevance of the title to the author. Why did he pick this title for his memoir? What was his purpose in writing the memoir?


  1. I think the title A Long Way Gone means that this is the memoir of a period in his life that is long gone. A period that is over and wont come back again. Ishmael's purpose was to tell the world a story about his life an what he went through.A lot of cruel and un-imaginable things happen in this world. People in different parts of the world when they hear this type of story they think its not true or that its a lie. A lot of bad things happen, most especially to kids. Ishmael wrote this memoir so he can tell us about his experience and also to get the pain out. Telling people about his life helps reduce the pain. It also helps him open up and heal from it.

  2. I think Ishmael is trying to say how far he has gotten since the rebels attacked Mattru Jong. He has seen a lot and gone through just as much.He has traveled a long and got to a place where he belongs.

  3. This title is perfect for this book, because it explains Ishmael's life story. Ishmael has changed so much as a person and has come a long way from where he started. His journey to where he stands now is a long way gone from where he used to be. He grew up, matured and knows a lot about life and experienced more than the average teenager has.

  4. The title is perfect because it is shrouded in mystery. What was he away from? Is the title metophoric? All these questions come to mind and that is why he chose the title. The title draws the reader in.

  5. toyia and Melinda are right. The title is saying he has come a very long way. Except now that part of his life is gone... I believe he picked this title because if u read into the title you can sense the struggle and the determination of wahts exactly going on. When i first read it i got the sense of a person that was in a bad place but when it was gut check time he held his breath and took the challeng head on. The perpose of writing this is to show people ANYTHING is possible if you put your mind too. Also he wants us too see whats going on and recognize what other contries are going through and he wants us too help.
